Article 126 If a building or any other installation or an object placed or hung on a structure collapses, detaches or drops down and causes damage to others, its owner or manager shall bear civil liability, unless he can prove himself not at fault. 第一百二十六条建筑物或者其他设施以及建筑物上的搁置物、悬挂物发生倒塌、脱落、坠落造成他人损害的,它的所有人或者管理人应当承担民事责任,但能够证明自己没有过错的除外。
Single object: If an object is placed into the HTTP session with a specific key, tie it to a particular owner. 单个对象:如果一个对象被放入到HTTP会话中,并拥有一个特定的键,那么将它关联到特定的所有者。
The algorithm might be: an object is automatically removed from the HTTP session when its owner is removed from the stack ( the internal stack for pages or the external stack for Webflows). 算法如下:当从栈中删除一个对象的所有者时(对于页面是内部栈,对于Webflow是外部栈),将自动删除该对象。
This depends on who owns the object, i.e.the owner sends and all others receive. 这个依赖于谁拥有这个物体,例如,所有者发送,其他物体接收。
Gloves of Object Reading: While wearing these gloves, the user can learn the details of an inanimate object's previous owner, as if manifesting the object reading power. 阅读物体手套:穿戴这双手套者可以如同展现“阅读物体”异能一样了解某无生命物体的前任主人。
Qualify object name by its owner. 按对象的所有者限定对象名。
The object owner is not reachable. 不能联系对象拥有者。
An attempt to release a mutant object was made by a thread that was not the owner of the mutant object. 试图释放一线程所产生的衍生对象,该线程不是这个衍生对象的拥有者。
You should always qualify object names with the owner name. 始终应该用所有者名称限定对象名称。
Database username of the object owner of the object being targeted. 正被设为目标的对象所有者的数据库用户名。
At last, some effective measures are put forward such as establishing object prize, prize databases and emulation stock in order to eliminate the conflict between the owner and the operator. 针对中国的现实环境提出了利用EVA激励机制设定目标奖金、建立奖金库、建立仿真股票等解决所有者与经营者利益冲突方面的有效措施。
The engineering consultation, considering engineering project as its object, aimed at every stage during the course of engineering construction and using management science, specialty techniques and experience, provides intellect and techniques services which are required by the project owner ( construction unit). 工程咨询就是以工程项目为对象,针对工程建设全过程各个阶段,运用管理科学、专业技术和经验,根据项目业主(建设单位)要求的事项,所提供的智力、技术服务。
The owner and the object of public power is the structural carrier of the legitimacy. The owner realizes its legitimacy through institutional arrangement, that is, the well interaction of informal institution ( ideology) and formal institution. 公共权力主体与客体是合法性的结构载体,合法性往往通过公共权力主体的制度安排来实现,表现为非正式制度安排(意识形态)和正式制度安排的良性互动。
The management object of property management enterprise is property, but service object is people, namely owner and user. So, during property management must build up the operation idea& people oriented, and improve employee's service awareness constantly. 物业管理企业管理的对象是物,但服务的对象却是人,即业主和使用人,因此,在实施物业管理的过程中,必须树立以人为本的经营理念,并且不断提高员工们的服务意识。
The energy-saving of HVAC system in hotels and other public buildings is the important object of energy-saving emission reduction and the common needs of business owner. 宾馆等公共建筑的暖通空调系统的节能既是节能减排的重要对象也是社会和业主的共同需求。
The regime of buried-object discovery dates back to the early era of Roman law. The ownership of the buried object was attributed to the land owner thanks to the contemporary non-circulation of property and the bondage of the common societal attitude. 埋藏物发现制度可追溯至罗马法早期,当时由于财产的不流通和社会一般观念的限制,采取的是埋藏物所有权归属土地所有人的制度。
The subject should not be confined to the well-known figure, but everyone can become the right subject. Object should be the commercial value which is contained in image of owner. 真实人物形象权的主体不应仅仅局限于知名人物,而是每个人都可以成为其权利主体;客体则应是蕴含于形象中的商业价值;真实人物形象权的内容主要涉及形象的使用权问题。